Slater and Gordon have announced their commitment to Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research (SMSR) by signing up to our new corporate partnership programme - with a shared vision to support our ongoing fundraising drive towards funding SCI research of the future.

About Slater and Gordon

At Slater and Gordon, we are committed to supporting people who have experienced spinal cord injury from the very earliest days of their recovery. We work with survivors and their families to access the bespoke rehabilitation they need and are by their sides as they rebuild their lives.
Our long track record of supporting clients with SCI and paralysis means we understand the devastation such injury causes – but our knowledge and experience, alongside close collaboration with our wide-ranging network of clinical experts, means we can secure the very best outcome for each and every client. We’re more than lawyers; we are part of the support network who work tirelessly to help whole families look to the future with hope and resilience.
Tracey Benson, Head of Serious Injury – South, Slater and Gordon Lawyers:
The work of Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research in funding pioneering research to support people with spinal cord injury is truly life-changing. By inspiring and financially backing the projects which are delivering meaningful solutions to some of the very specific concerns of people living with SCI, we are seeing more hope than ever before in achieving a greater quality of life. 
 “In our role as serious injury lawyers, we see first-hand the impact of spinal cord injury on survivors and their whole families, and understand the desire for them to live their best lives while negotiating the challenges of neuropathic pain, UTIs and so many other secondary issues they face every day. We are delighted to support SMSR in helping to deliver that. Through their grant-giving to the research of today, the treatments and therapies of tomorrow are becoming reality.” 
Commenting on the new partnership, SMSR Corporate & Community Fundraiser, Kate Favell, said:
"On behalf of the Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research team, we are delighted to be working with our friends at Slater and Gordon, who are paving the way to help ensure we continue to raise awareness about spinal cord injury through a shared voice, and in turn, fund innovative and unique research projects focussing on making a real difference to the daily lives of people living with SCI."
Any enquiries for Slater and Gordon, please contact their legal experts who will be happy to answer any questions:


Tracey Benson (Head of Serious Injury – South)                                         Kieron Campion (Senior Associate, Serious Injury Team)

 0330 995 5578                                                                                                      0330 995 6580

[email protected]                                                                    [email protected]