Get involved Community fundraising Community fundraising Ways to Support Us There are a number of ways you can show your support to Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research (SMSR). Get involved yourself, encourage your family, friends or peers to support you, or do something slightly less hands on - whatever you can do helps us to improve quality of life after paralysis. Family Get the whole family involved in an activity; a fun run, carboot sale or cake sale - whatever you like doing together, why not add a fundraising element? Friends Have you been affected by spinal cord injury? Or know someone who has? Then why not show your support by raising some money; a run, bike ride or anything else that takes your fancy? Peers Part of a sports or community group? Why not get them involved; put on a charity concert, sports match, fete or anything else that you can think of? Other Ways to Support Us We know that for some people, hands-on fundraising just doesn't appeal. But that doesn't mean you can't support our research by getting involved in a different capacity. Whatever you can do helps us to improve quality of life after paralysis. This could include: Volunteer - Here at SMSR we depend on our volunteers. Whether they help as event volunteers, regular office support or Trustees, volunteers play an essential role in keeping the charity going. Click here to find out more about volunteering with us Community Schemes - Increasingly, big high street brands have local community schemes where individuals nominate a charity. These are great opportunities for us not only to raise money but also awareness. Please select a donation amount (required) £20 £30 £50 Other Set up a regular payment Donate Manage Cookie Preferences