So why a spinal charity I hear you say?

Years ago my amazing, one of a kind mum became seriously unwell. It started with her suffering from severe back pain and led to her being rushed to hospital.

After quite a few tests, abscess were found at the base of her spine which were killing off the nerves. But like anything, the diagnosis was only a quarter of the battle. From being in intensive care for so long, and the damage the abscess had already started to do, my strong mum had to retrain her entire body.

When she was released from intensive care, she was moved to Stoke Mandeville Spinal Unit, where she spent a long time learning to do everything again. From picking things up with her hands, all the way through to learning to walk.

Through the amazing determination of my mum, and the wonderful help and services provided at Stoke Mandeville, my mum can now walk and  the only obvious remnants is a splint on her foot.

Walking, eating by ourselves, even washing ourselves is something we all take for granted. A spinal injury can really effect those things.

I’ve always wanted to pay my thanks some how to the Stoke Mandeville Spinal Unit for all their amazing time, research and dedication to helping others with spinal injuries.

I’m not the fittest person in the world or the most active, so I figured throwing myself out of an aeroplane would be my crazy way of trying to raise money and awareness for this wonderful charity.

So please, if you can, sponsor my lunatic adventure all for a fantastic cause taking place on 14th August!

Hannah Jones